Cloud Services

Discover the intricate factors influencing server costs and make informed choices for your budget and needs with expert guidance.

How Much Does a Server Cost?

The cost evaluation of a server is a multi-faceted task, influenced by a multitude of factors. If you’ve ever inquired about server costs and received a swift response or a vendor’s quote, it’s probable that these responses were based on certain assumptions, which may not accurately match your unique requirements. Moreover, they may have overlooked […]

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Why are More Companies Moving to Cloud-Based Data Storage

Why are More Companies Moving to Cloud-Based Data Storage?

All businesses and institutions must have a solution in place for securely storing important data. While many businesses have traditionally used on-premises hard drives and servers for local, offline storage, more businesses are moving to cloud-based storage for important data, including sensitive data. While on-premises storage using servers and other devices within your IT infrastructure

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Five Reasons Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Technology 

Nonprofit organizations across the world have seen amazing results from leveraging technology to better achieve their mission. By utilizing technology, nonprofit organizations are able to save time and resources. With a few clicks of a mouse, nonprofit organizations can now communicate with supporters more quickly and easily than ever before. Moreover, modern technology offers nonprofits

Five Reasons Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Technology  Read More »


What Are The Six Steps For Creating An Incident Response Plan?

What is an Incident Response Team When a data breach or cyber-attack occurs, an incident response team is the first line of defense. An incident response team is a group of individuals trained to manage security incidents and breaches. They work rapidly in order to mitigate damage and prevent future incidents from occurring. Incident response

What Are The Six Steps For Creating An Incident Response Plan? Read More »


(Managed Services, Cloud Services, Consulting, Cybersecurity, Talent)

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